Make Your
Journey Easier

We Listen

We listen to your story and ask important questions to find out what is your exact goal for your property investment journey.

We Think Along

We use our experience and expertise to create a plan for you in your property investment that will suits the goal for you.

We Are Fast

We are passionate about what we do and love to show you the results within a reasonable time.

Real Estate Service Queensland

OMR Property looks at all the things that make up the bigger picture of property investment and portfolio management support. This means you benefit from the complete package. We realize that smart investment is about more than just dollars. Our professional guidance never stops. It goes beyond property acquisition strategy and extends to educational workshops, development, property management, mortgage services, and beyond. 

About us

Real Estate Service Queensland

Dedicated to Help You Grow

At OMR Property it’s about much more than just transactions. We make sure to set you up with all the resources you need to make the most informed decisions. Your learning starts well before you even purchase a property and never stops. We supply you with an array of educational materials, studies, seminars, and more to carry you through every step and phase in the process of investing, to give you the very best level of support to grow.

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Frequently Asked Questions

In a lot of ways, it’s not really about those ‘hot’ locations. Rather, it’s about finding those opportunities that represent stable capital growth and rental yield. We use the mnemonic device ‘PIE’ to explain this. P being Population Growth; I being Infrastructure and E being Employment. A property located in areas experiencing growth across theses key indicators is definitely a property you will look at.

There is no perfect moment to undertake a lot of life’s big moments

and the same holds true when buying property. There will never be an ideal market that can satisfy all criteria. At OMR Property, we take the moment and make it suitable. It’s all about seizing opportunities and we are here to show you the right ones, alongside proven strategies to make the most of any given situation. Why wait any longer to start working on your dreams?

This is certainly the goal of property investment, ie. to hold a rich and diversified portfolio in the long term. Our professional coaching service is built on our years of experience in the property and finance industry. You can rely on us to help you stay the track: you are at low risk of overcapitalizing or overwhelming yourself in the process. We are here to share our strategies for stable growth with you, so your inevitable success arrives in the smoothest and most stress-free fashion.

The property market will always experience its ups and downs and there are always various advantages and disadvantages presented to both buyer and seller at different times. If you want to know current and market trends Talk to OMR Property

It is always up to you, however, there are definite incentives to buy new and these often come in the form of government grants and better taxation returns. In general, you can expect rental income to be higher with a new property versus old and this can put you in a far better position to continue your investment journey. New properties also come with structural warranties and on average cost far less to maintain. Our responsibility is to advise you on the pros and cons of your options in property investment so feel free to contact us to find out more.

"Property Investment everybody can do it, but you need to have a good strategy related with your goal, think where you want to go and what do you want to achieve."

Reach Out to Us

Do you want to reach out for more information or see how we can help you with you Property Investment? Reach out to us by clicking on the button below.